Paper Submission Guidelines

The yearly asilomar conference on signals, systems, and computers provides a forum for presenting recent and novel work in various areas of theoretical and applied signal processing. Initial submissions for conference participation must include a 100–200 word abstract, an extended summary (500–1000 words plus figures), the title of the paper, each author's name and affiliation, technical area, and topic designation from the call for papers.

Final conference papers are reports of the conference presentation and are due after the conference. The IEEE is a technical co-sponsor and post-conference final papers are required to adhere to IEEE publication standards. As such, final papers should be limited to the work presented during the conference. Methods and material contained should be described in sufficient details to permit evaluation and replication. Toward that goal, final conference papers are expected to include the following elements:

  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Proposed method
  4. Experimental data and results
  5. Conclusion
  6. Acknowledgement
  7. References

The full paper can have up to 8 pages. However, the authors have to pay additional page charges for every page that exceeds 5 pages.

The conference executive committee and IEEE reserve the right to exclude a final paper submission from inclusion in the conference proceedings, if the final paper submission does not meet conference or IEEE standards for scope and/or quality.

Note to authors submitting papers:
  • IEEE standards are to be met for paper submission.
  • No more than four submissions are allowed per contributor, as author or co-author.
  • To be published in the Conference proceedings, a paper must be presented in person by an author of the paper.
  • The presenting author must be registered for the conference.