2013 Asilomar Conference
on Signals, Systems, and Computers
Technically co-sponsored by IEEE Signal Processing Society
Post 2013 Conference Information
All conference registrants receive a CD copy of
the proceedings.
Conference Proceedings:
CD Proceedings are expected to be shipped in March 2014 by 1st class mail.
Lost copies instructions:
Hotel matters:
Please contact the Conference hotel directly, as the Conf. Committee does
not handle registration matters. Please DO NOT e-mail requests and questions
regarding hotel registrations to Ms. Sue Netzorg, Conference Registrar
Staff, as we have no way to insure
forwarded e-mail will be taken into account. Thank you for your cooperation.
For other information:
please contact the Conference Registrar: Ms. Sue Netzorg, e-mail:
sscasilomar at comcast dot net
2013 Technical Program